The simplest solution
to FMD compliance

VeriLite provides an easy online solution enabling you to meet the regulatory requirements of the FMD.


Is VeriLite compatible with all European National Systems?

VeriLite is compatible with all National Systems (markets). We intend to have VeriLite connected to all markets within the next few months. If VeriLite is currently not available to purchase in your market, please contact us using the address and we will let you know when VeriLite will be available.

Is Verilite able to be displayed in languages other than English?

VeriLite is an international product and supports all major European languages. If your market version does not yet support your preferred language please contact please contact us using the address and we will let you know when VeriLite will be available.

Is Verilite able to be used to verify and decommission packs from multiple markets?

If you are an organisation physically located in one market and the majority of your FMD transactions are for medicines licenced to be sold in that market then you must purchase the version of VeriLIte intended for that market. This ensures that the version of VeriLite that you will use, is directly connected to the nearest market.

Where you are in possession of packs of medicine that were not intended for use in your local market, the pack will NOT be in the local system repository. Inter-market functionality will then be used and an attempt will be made to resolve it by contacting the EU-Hub which in turn will “find” the correct market repository (NMVS) in which the pack resides. Whilst this is all invisible to the end-user using VeriLite, the response times for inter-market verification and decommissioning will take longer. Remember that you can only operate VeriLite against NMVSs that your organisation is already registered on.

Is VeriLite able to process Aggregated bar codes?

There is no agreed standard yet to deal with pack aggregation. In fact the FMD and the associated Delegated Regulation mandate that all packs have to be individually inspected and authenticated against the EMVS. For that reason, the EMVS and the individual NMVSs do not support pack aggregation. Solidsoft Reply are monitoring the situation regarding aggregation and working closely with stakeholders. If the EMVS is changed in the future to support pack aggregation, VeriLite too will evolve to include the new functionality.

Can VeriLite handle large batches of Medicines?

VeriLite is able to operate in several different modes, designed to fit most processing scenarios. One such mode is “Multiple” mode. In “Multiple” mode the user simply reads each pack in turn and creates an on-screen list. VeriLite conveniently keeps a count of the number of unique codes read and warns the user if a pack is read that has already been added to the list. Once the list has been completed, the user can submit the list to the NMVS. The list is processed asynchronously by the NMVS and when complete the results are returned to VeriLite. VeriLite enable the use to review the results both as a complete list and if required individually. Any exceptions are shown together with the exception reason.

You can also “import” lists into VeriLite (e.g. from an off-line barcode reader or external program). The imported lists are processed as above using “Multiple” mode.

Can you recommend a compatible scanner that I can use with VeriLite

VeriLite is designed to work with the widest range of commonly-available barcode scanners. A barcode scanner must meet the following three criteria to work effectively with VeriLite:

  • It must be able to read Data Matrix EC200 two-dimensional barcodes.
  • It must be configured to operate in keyboard or numeric keypad mode. Many scanners are configured to do this by default.
  • It must correctly represent the data in GS1-encoded barcodes while operating in keyboard or numeric keypad mode. Most scanners support this, but you may wish to check with the manufacturer.

Although we don’t provide an approved list, two scanner models that we have used extensively for development and demonstration purposes are:

  • Datalogic Heron 3430 – This scanner is widely used in Healthcare, and we generally use it for demonstration purposes. It works with VeriLite without the need for additional configuration, although users may wish to configure LED colour schemes, audible signals, etc.
  • Zebra Symbol DS 6707 – This is a venerable ‘workhorse’. It requires a degree of configuration to ensure that it works in keyboard emulation mode and operates with suitable performance. However, it is robust, dependable and very functional. We used these scanners to demonstrate medicine verification in 2012 in the early work we did on the EMVS, and still use them internally.

We would highly recommend that you purchase your scanner from a reputable dealer and avoid from cheaper imports from outside Europe.

We have two companies operating out of the same building. How many licences do I need to purchase?

Firstly you will require a licence for each user who needs to access the system. VeriLite contains functionality that prevents the same user from concurrently using the application on different terminals. If the two organisations are registered with your local NMVO as separate organisations then you will need separate licences for each company.

Do you have double-scan protection built into VeriLite?

Yes, double-scan protection (or double dispense as it is also known) is supported by VeriLite as well as the inherent support within the NMVS.

Is it possible to see a demo of Verilite?

Please visit our Demos page where there are an increasing number of videos showing VeriLite in use. We intend to add further instructional and information videos each week. If there is a particular topic that you would like further help with, please contact the VeriLite Service Desk at

Can Users have different permissions?

VeriLite distinguishes between administrators and users. Administrators can create and manage accounts. Permissions to perform certain actions are determined by your NMVS. E.G. In some markets Wholesalers have the ability to dispense packs in other markets this functionality is disabled.

Where is VeriLite physically hosted?

VeriLite is hosted on the Microsoft public cloud infrastructure. It’s exactly the same public cloud platform used to host the European Hub and the Solidsoft Reply national systems. The data centres are all located on EU member territory as per the Delegated Regulation requirement.

How is VeriLite licensed?

VeriLite utilises a by-user based licenced model. Users are registered and managed within VeriLite. Users must have access to an email account; the email address becomes the VeriLite user name. Licences can purchased either on a monthly basis or on a discounted annual basis. For more information on purchasing a licence see the purchase page.

What happens if my internet connection fails, can I still use VeriLite?

After purchasing VeriLite, the organisation’s administrator receives fully documented instructions of how to complete the registration to gain access to VeriLite, how to check the barcode reader, how to assign further users and use VeriLite in its various modes.

Does VeriLite operate in different modes?

VeriLite provides four modes. Each mode is very easy to use. In ‘safe’ mode, the user simply scans the pack and selects the action they need to perform. VeriLite automatically performs various steps to ensure that users cannot accidently generate ‘false positive’ alerts through double-scanning or other mistakes. VeriLite also provides a ‘single’ mode for rapid and simple scanning or large numbers of individual packs and ‘multiple’ mode to handle pre-defined lists of pack identifiers, including lists imported from files. The final “off-line” mode can be used in emergency if you lose your local connection to the internet.

Do I need to install VeriLite on my PC?

VeriLite is a cloud-based web application. It can be accessed using major browsers including Chrome, Internet Explorer, Edge and Firefox. There are no plug-ins and no requirement for any software installation. There are no specific requirements for computer hardware, but the computer should be able to run modern versions of the browsers listed above. Please note that we do not supply scanners. VeriLite will work with most barcode scanners.

What browsers does VeriLite support?

VeriLite is supported on Microsoft Edge and Chrome.

Does VeriLite allow for stock to return to the database within 10 days?

The rules for reactivation of pack identifiers are specified by the industry stakeholders and enforced uniformly by all the national systems. You cannot re-activate pack identifiers that are marked as destroyed or stolen. You cannot reactivate expired packs or packs that have been recalled or withdrawn from the market. In one case, the ten day rule does not apply; If a wholesaler marks a packs a ‘locked’ (e.g., to indicate that it is quarantined), they can reactivate that pack at any time.

Why do I need to anything before 9 Feb 2019?

There is no statutory need for you to perform verification and decommissioning until the 9th February if you choose not to do so. However, serialised packs are already being placed in the European supply chain and whilst verification and decommissioning of those packs is optional until 9th February, nearly all markets, have live national systems to support verification and decommissioning. Our recommendation is that you prepare for your implementation now to ensure that any updates to your current processes can be implemented smoothly.